COVID-19 Update

We are very happy to announce our brick and mortar location is back open this Friday May 1!
Your safety is very important to us and we look forward to serving you and your family while being deliberately careful about our practices and your safety. At this point, we will not be able to guarantee any NEW orders by Memorial Day. We will try very hard to get our installs complete by then, but with a large backlog and short timeline some may fall short. Orders will be installed in the order they were sold.
The last 8 weeks has been difficult to navigate for all of us. While technically closed to the public, we have been processing orders in our production area the entire time. This has created a huge backlog of installs awaiting our installers to come back to work. That said, we will be focusing on getting all of these scheduled for install the next couple of weeks and will be reaching out to you individually if you have an order waiting for install of any other type of work to be done in the cemetery.
Thank you so much for your patience during the last six weeks. We look forward to normal once again.....however that looks.
Asa and Audra Nelson